2024 Agenda

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Meta Review of Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Mobility Applications

23 Oct 2024
Fuel Cell Design, Development and Manufacturing

This presentation presents a systematic meta-review of fuel
cell technology and its applicability across various passenger
mobility sectors, bridging the gap between recent academic
and commercial literature. The review summarises the latest
advancements and acts as a preliminary product offering guide
for Polymer Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) and Solid
Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs), focusing particularly on their use in
road, rail, sea and air transport. Fuel cells are compared with
competing sustainable technologies to determine their overall
feasibility for each sector. The findings suggest that fuel cells
show the greatest promise for maritime applications, with both
immediate and long-term potential anticipated as system power
density increases and costs diminish. Conversely, road and rail
mobility presents selective application opportunities, predomi-
nantly within long-range bus fleets and passenger rail for non-
electrified lines. It was concluded that even though SOFCs are
gaining traction for mobile applications but because they” cost
higher and offer low power density in comparison to PEMFCs
and other rival technologies, they are experiencing slower uptake
in the mobile applications.

Nipun Kaushik, Automotive Engineer - Capgemini Engineering

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