2024 Agenda

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Panel Discussion: Cavern Storage

24 Oct 2024
Systems Integration and Infrastructure

Green hydrogen plays an important role in the energy transformation. Storing green hydrogen will be key to secure energy supply through long-term storage capability in times when there is little wind and sun to produce green energy. 
Our panel discussion deals with the topic of storing green hydrogen in underground salt caverns. We will discuss Germany’s federal government strategy concerning hydrogen storage, as well as the following topics: 

-    Repurposing of existing oil and gas caverns to store green hydrogen
-    Building new caverns to meet future storage demand
-    The role of caverns as storage for the European hydrogen market
-    As well as safety aspects and approval processes. 

As a coastal and territorial state, Lower Saxony not only plays an important role in the import and production of hydrogen but also in the storage of hydrogen due to the high density of caverns. 

Lis Blume, Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit - Niedersächsisches Wasserstoff-Netzwerk
Geert Tjarks, Head of Business Development - EWE Gasspeicher GmbH
Sonja Hieß, H2 Readiness/2nd Life Lead HydroHub - EE Energy Engineers GmbH
Henning Becker, Engineer Underground Technology - STORAG Etzel

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