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Witt Group

Hall: A4 Stand: 4E45
  • | Occupational Safety
  • | Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage
  • | Drive Systems
  • | Manufacturing & Assembly Equipment
  • | Pressure Technologies

Established in 1945 as a specialist fan supplier
to the German merchant shipbuilding indus-
try, WITT has grown over the past 75 years to
become one of the world’s leading suppliers of
industrial high-performance fan technology and
associated noise and vibration control.
WITT’s well-proven expertise in axial and centrif-
ugal fan manufacturing has made the company
a market leader in many specialized sectors. In
addition to commercial and naval shipbuilding,
WITT supplies highly efficient fans for tunnel
ventilation, nuclear power plants, offshore facili-
ties, industrial processes, as well as customers in
the environmental sector.
WITT offers multiple impellers for each fan type,
allowing for the most economical configuration
to be confidently selected.
So far, the company has equipped more than
100,000 industrial projects, 1,200 tunnel projects,
19,000 ships, and 75 nuclear power plants.
The company is active in over 60 countries


Ziegeleiweg 38
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