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19 Sep 2024

Hyamtec which will commercialise ammonia cracking technology has been launched by AFC Energy

Hyamtec which will commercialise ammonia cracking technology has been launched by AFC Energy

AFC Energy recently revealed that they have achieved a huge milestone which will significantly benefit the hydrogen industry. This milestone is the launch of Hyamtec Limited which will be used to accelerate and commercialise its next generation modular ammonia cracking business.

Hyamtec is a new business which is expected to prioritise natural gas displacement within both the UK industry and electricity generation. It will focus on targeting three key areas and these will be, ‘industrial heat generation; ammonia conversion of large combustion engines for power generation, marine and mining; and  modular purified hydrogen production for transportation.’

The purpose and benefits of this new business is that it will have the ability to supply on-demand hydrogen at ‘just 10% of the cost of truck-delivered hydrogen.’

Currently, more than 60% of global emissions originate from hard-to-abate heavy industrial sectors and in response to this, Hyamtec has made it clear that it aims to provide its ammonia cracker technology. This is the solution the company is providing because it has a ‘proven ability to integrate with ammonia combustion engines and deliver ISO-grade hydrogen for us.’

Managing Director of Hyamtec, Dr. Mike Rendall, commented, “Hyamtec is focused on fast-tracking the decarbonisation of industry through ammonia and our ammonia cracking technologies. With over £40bn spent per annum on natural gas by industrial users in the UK alone, the global opportunity to displace fossil fuels in industry with ammonia is immense. We look forward to partnering with industry to support the rapid decarbonisation of the world’s hardest-to-abate sectors and to announcing Hyamtec’s first commercial deals soon.”


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