Hyundai supplies Korean fire department with hydrogen-powered FCEV
The Korean National Fire Agency recently received a bus from Hyundai Motor Group. This bus is a hydrogen-powered fuel cell support bus and it is intended to become a vehicle for use in the line of duty.
This fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) was designed by Hyundai and throughout the process it received input from Korean firefighters, as well as Jeju Island’s Fire Department. Gaining input during the manufacturing process from these sources was extremely beneficial, as this means the vehicle was specifically designed for the area it will be used in.
Hyundai designed the vehicle to include a compact cooking area, an external air tent which includes a power supply from the support bus. The vehicle also includes a high-pressure air gun and high-pressure water gun, plus a storage area designated to fire-resistant clothing.
To make this possible, hydrogen and oxygen are supplied to the FCEV on Jeju Island, in order to generate electricity. Doing this highlights the regions, commitment to the energy transition and creating energy in this way will lead to providing green hydrogen from the production complex on the island.
It has been stated that the project is expected to begin operations in 2025 and these will last until 2030. All of the operations will take place at the site of Jocheon-eup in Jeju City. These operations will start taking place, once preliminary reviews have been conducted and completed.