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08 Mar 2024

NZTC announces funding offer of £500,000 to projects working on boosting electrolyser efficiency

NZTC announces funding offer of £500,000 to projects working on boosting electrolyser efficiency

A funding call has been announced by Scotland’s Net Zero Technology Centre (NZTC), with the intention of finding electroylser solutions that will improve hydrogen production efficiency. The NZTC is offering a maximum of £500,000 to suitable projects.

This funding call was opened on Thursday the 7th of March and NZTC will be accepting applications for the funding for a five-week period. The plan for the funding expense, is for it to be split between three to five technologies that have shown that their aim is to accelerate the development of solutions, which are aimed towards pilot or prototype level.

This funding scheme was started as part of the EFT-funded Net Zero Technology Transition Programme (NZTTP). More specifically, this scheme originates from the Energy Hubs Project which is part of the wider NZTTP. Due to where the funding call comes from, it will be open to technology developers with technologies at low TRL.

The deadline for all applications is the 14th of April 2024.

In 2023, NZTC suggested in a report that creating a purpose-built marine pipeline would have the potential of enabling Scotland to meet 10% of Europe’s hydrogen import demand, by the mid-2030s. This would be extremely beneficial and helpful to all the parties involved and to the environment and hydrogen industry.

NZTTP Programme Manager ETF at NZTC, Darren Gee, spoke about how ‘the funding call would support sustainable hydrogen production and the development and feasibility of energy hubs.’

Gillian Martin, Scottish Government Minister for Energy, Just Transition and the Fair Work, praised the programme, commenting, “Make hydrogen more attractive to exporters and help secure new markets for our abundant renewable energy resources.”


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