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03 May 2024

Uniper will use German-Danish pipeline to import 140,000 tonnes of hydrogen

Uniper will use German-Danish pipeline to import 140,000 tonnes of hydrogen

Uniper is a German energy company and they have agreed to import hydrogen from Denmark. This hydrogen will come directly from Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners’ (CIP) 1GW hydrogen production facility, which is located in Denmark.

This transfer will be made possible through a new pipeline which is planned to be developed in a way that will connect Germany and Denmark. This pipeline will therefore connect the HØST PtX Esbjerg project, which is based on the Danish west coast, to the German hydrogen backbone. It has been stated that the plan for this new design will be finished and online by 2028.

Within the agreement that has been created, it is clear that the aim is for the two companies to develop a model that will be able to transport 140,000 tonnes of green hydrogen to German customers. It is also a requirement that this project will be capable of supplying this amount on an annual basis. Furthermore, Uniper has expressed their intentions to include the green hydrogen supplied by HØST in their green gas portfolio. They have said that once it is included, they intend to supply it at ‘varying profiled with different contract lengths.’

This plan has been underdevelopment since 2023 when Denmark and Germany signed a declaration outlining their plan, which was to develop a large-scale transmission interconnector for green hydrogen.

Uniper’s Chief Operating Officer (COO), Holger Kreetz claimed that ‘the HØST project fits the company’s vision of achieving 1GW of installed electrolyser capacity by 2030, along with its other developments in Germany, such as Green Wilhelmshaven.’

Partner at CIP, Karsten Plauborg, commented, “With the vast renewable energy potential from the North Sea as well as the planned hydrogen pipeline connecting Denmark to Germany, we are excited to take the next step in bringing the green hydrogen from the HØST project to German customers. While CIP has a significant portfolio of power-to-gas projects, Uniper’s strong position with German energy customers is a key enabler in establishing this new market.”


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