Christian Gebauer
Head of Innovation,
Heraeus Precious Metals GmbH & Co. KG - Hydrogen Systems
Dr. Christian Gebauer holds the position of the Head of Innovation in the Business Line Hydrogen Systems at Heraeus Precious Metals GmbH & Co. KG. Here, he’s since 2018 in the technical lead for the development of catalysts for PEM electrolysis and PEM fuel cells.
He started his professional career at Heraeus in November 2016 as a project manager for PEM electrolysis and held afterwards different positions in the respective and adjacent fields.
Christian Gebauer graduated his studies with a PhD in Chemistry at an institute for physical chemistry at Ulm University (Germany) in 2016, where he focused on surface analytics and catalysis as well as applied electrochemistry
23-Oct-2024Fuel Cell Design, Development and ManufacturingNovel Ru-based PEM Electrolysis Catalyst – Solving the Iridium Bottleneck via Material Innovation