Ralf Diemer
eFuel Alliance e.V.
Ralf Diemer is the CEO of the eFuel Alliance e.V. based in Berlin and Brussels. During his law degree in Tuebingen, he worked in the Baden-Wuerttemberg state parliament and in the European Parliament. He then started his professional career in Berlin as an office manager in the German parliament. After moving to the German Association of the Automotive Industry, he headed the Brussels branch there for ten years and then the department for Economic, Trade and Climate Protection Policy in Berlin. He was involved in numerous legislative processes on a national and European level, with a focus on climate, environmental and trade policy. Political interest and involvement in politics have always been of central importance to him. Ralf Diemer is Director at the consulting company von Beust & Coll. Beratungsgesellschaft.
23-Oct-2024E-Fuels and Hydrogen PropulsionChair Welcoming Remarks
23-Oct-2024E-Fuels and Hydrogen PropulsionPanel Discussion: Moving Towards Price Competitiveness
23-Oct-2024E-Fuels and Hydrogen PropulsionChair Closing Remarks